We all know how versatile Bag Balm is. Dry skin, slugging, chapped lips, cuticles, cuts, scrapes, burns, makeup routines – honestly, what CAN'T you use it for?!
That's what makes Bag Balm an absolute must-have this festival season! Glitter application? We got you! Dry desert lips and skin? We got you! Cuts, chafing, blisters? We got you!
So, get ready with us for festival season, and try some of our favorite Bag Balm beauty hacks for summer.
Glitter Application:

1. Apply a thin layer of Bag Balm anywhere on your body
2. Use a makeup brush to apply loose glitter
Cream Highlighter:

1. Mix your favorite powder highlighter with Bag Balm
2. Apply wherever you want an extra glow
Popsicle Lips:

1. Use a Q-Tip to apply your favorite lipstick to the middle of your lips
2. Layer Bag Balm on top and even out the color to the corners of your mouth
To learn more watch our Festival Beauty Hacks here:
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